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In writing, when the reporting clause comes before the direct speech, we need to remember:

A comma before the speech; a capital letter to begin the speech; a question mark, exclamation mark or full stop before the closing inverted commas ; inverted commas at the beginning of the speech; inverted commas at the end.

Mum asked, "What kind of cake would you like for your birthday?"

Add inverted commas and any other punctuation needed to each of these sentences. 

The teacher asked have you done your homework Harry

Joe exclaimed wow what an amazing car

Layla whispered be quiet or they will find our hiding place

The little girl sobbed I am crying because my tooth hurts

Dad enquired would you like pizza or chicken for your meal tonight

The customer complained the apples you sold me were bad

Sara asked Fatima would you like to go to the cinema at the weekend



LC- To multiply 3 numbers.









primary picture news resource england 2nd december feeling included.pdf